connect_klb_atl - page 3

– Kennsluleiðbeiningar –
Námsgagnastofnun 2015 – 9069
Bréf frá Samúel Lefever
Dear teachers
English is all around us. This gives you opportunities to integrate English from the environment into your
teaching and connect it to children’s daily life and interests. Above all, learning English should be fun!
Children learn best if they are actively engaged with the language and feel at ease in the classroom. There
are many ways to make lessons active and stimulating for children. Using songs, games, stories, pictures and
actions will appeal to children and help them to learn new words and ways to express themselves in English.
The main goal for learning English is to be able to interact and communicate with others, so children need
to be given ample opportunities to try their hand at speaking and writing, in addition to listening and rea-
ding. English is a living language – children need to experiment with English in order to become confident
users of the language. You can be a positive model for your students by talking to them in English about all
sorts of things, both during lessons and at other times during the day. You have a unique opportunity to
show children how knowing English can enrich their lives and be a window to the world.
Good luck!
Samúel Lefever dósent við Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands
Frá höfundum
Kæru kennarar
Á yngsta stigi grunnskólans eru nemendur að stíga sín allra fyrstu skref í enskunni og ágætt er að hafa í
huga að mörg þeirra munu læra ensku til tvítugs. Því er afar mikilvægt að byrja vel, leggja góðan grunn
sem gerir nemendur fyrst og fremst áhugasama um að læra meira. Það er á ábyrgð okkar sem kennum
þeim að kveikja áhugann og viðhalda honum. Með spennandi viðfangsefnum sem tengjast nemendum
á einhvern hátt, jákvæðni og gleði tekst okkur það.
Vanmetum ekki gleðina í námi og kennslu – höfum gaman.
Góða skemmtun
Fellow Teachers,
Congratulations for being part of a community of educators who create an English environment for
young learners.
Our students are curious and excited by the English language, a language that many encounter
throughout their day.
My wish for your classroom is to have fun while creating an English environment that invites both
you and the children to explore and expand in the usage of the language.
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