Yes we can 5 - Kennsluleiðbeiningar

Nemendabók bls. 78-79 Kveikjumyndin Byrjaðu alltaf á því að vinna með kveikjumyndina og notaðu hana til að koma af stað samtali á ensku. • Tell me, what can you see in this picture? • Find the seahorse. Find a crab. • What can you find at the bottom of the sea? • Have you seen any of these things at the bottom of the sea? Ný orð og setningagerðir Hlustið á æfingaorðin og láttu nemendur vinna með þau. Þeir geta endurtekið orðin eða notað þau í setningar sem þeir búa sjálfir til: • Octopus. The octopus is bigger than the yellow fish. • Rubbish. It’s a bad idea to throw rubbish in the sea. • Shark. Who can help me describe the shark? Yes, you’re right. The shark is grey and maybe it’s dangerous too. Notið setningagerðirnar og nemendur svara á sinn hátt. • Look at the bottle. What’s in it? • Look! These fish are yellow. Hlustið og skoðið kveikjumyndina Skoðið kveikjumyndina saman og spilið hlustunartextana. Nemendur benda á persónur og athafnir og búa til setningar ummyndina þegar búið er að hlusta á alla textana. Hlustunartextar fyrir kveikjumyndina 1. An octopus is a strange animal. It has eight arms. Octopuses do not have any bones in their bodies. What colour is the octopus? Write 1. 2. Some sea animals are very intelligent. The dolphin is one of them. They also like to play in the water. Maybe one day I will play with dolphins in the sea. Write 2. 3. Many different kinds of animals and fish live in the sea. Some are very big, and others are tiny. The blue whale is huge. It is the biggest animal in the sea. Can you spot the blue whale? Write 3. 4. Seahorses are very interesting. The smallest seahorses are about 1 centimetre long. The biggest seahorses are over 35 ­ centimetres long. Look carefully at the seahorse in the picture. Why do you think this animal is called a seahorse? Write 4. 5. In the old days, people who were in trouble at sea sometimes sent a message for help. They didn’t have telephones or internet. So, they sent a message in a bottle. Write 5 6. We must look after the wildlife and not throw rubbish, like plastic or bottles, on the beach or into the sea. Next time you go to the beach, you must remember to tidy up and take your rubbish home with you. Write 6. Verkefnabók bls. 78 1 Listen and mark Hlustaðu og skrifaðu rétta tölustafi í kassana. 2 Where is it? Skoðaðu kveikjumyndina. Lestu setningarnar og settu inn orðin sem vantar. 7 Save the oceans 55