Yes we can 6 - Kennsluleiðbeiningar

Drill 6 Take It to the Extreme 63 Drill Vinnið með verkefnin á vefsvæðinu. Verkefnin eru mismunandi en eiga það sameiginlegt að styðjast við orðaforða kaflans. Þau leiðréttast sjálfkrafa. Nemendabók bls. 88-89 Kveikjumynd Notið opnuna sem kveikju fyrir umræður á ensku um hvað nemendur telja að kaflinn fjalli um. Segir heiti kaflans okkur eitthvað? Hvað dettur okkur í hug þegar við skoðum myndirnar? Lesið textana upphátt og ræðið saman um myndirnar. Rifjið upp það sem unnið var með í workbook og búið til setningar með setningamyndunum: as big as … bigger than ... og the biggest. Að endingu eiga nemendur að ljúka við þessar hjálparsetningar: • When I look at the pictures, I think about … • I like the intro text about … • In this chapter we’re going to talk about … • The topic in this chapter is … Nemendur taka fram verkefnabækur og vinna verkefni 1 á bls. 88. Hlustið á Section 1-4 sameiginlega áður en nemendur leysa verkefnin hvert í sínu lagi. Verkefnabók bls. 88 1 Listen and answer Hlustaðu og merktu við rétt svör. Hlustunartextar við kveikjumynd Section 1 Read the question for section one. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Swimming is such fun. Some people like jumping and diving into the water. Do you like diving? • An ironman is a sport where you compete in three sports: swimming, cycling and running. The sport started on Hawaii more than 40 years ago. Do you know where Hawaii is? Section 2 Read the question for section two. Now listen and choose the right answer. • A snowmobile is a small motor scooter you use when you travel on snow or ice. It has skis at the front. • When you do a motorcycle wheelie, you balance on one wheel. The world record for the fastest wheelie is 308 kilometres per hour. That is very fast! Section 3 Read the question for section three. Now listen and choose the right answer. • A zorb is a big ball. Zorbing is popular all over the world. It was first used on water, then on land, because that was even more fun. • My hobby is slacklining. Slacklining is balancing on a rope. Do you think I have a dangerous hobby? Section 4 Read the question for section four. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is more than 50 times higher than the highest place in Denmark. • Some dogs are really big. Others are tiny. Did you know that bloodhounds have very long ears?