Menntun til sjálfbærni

3. KAFLI Menntun til sjálfbærni – í skólastofunni 101 Taimur, Sadaf og Sattar, Hassan. (2019, janúar). Education for Sustainable Development and Critical Thinking Competency. Youth leading the world. (á.d.). Global online youth summit. Umhverfisráðuneytið (útg.). (2010). Velferð til framtíðar: Sjálfbær þróun í íslensku samfélagi – áherslur 2010–2013. UNESCO. (2014). Global citizenship education: preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st century. UNESCO. (2017, 9. maí). Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Education 2030 / SDG 4. UNESCO. (2018). Issues and trends in education for stustainable development. UNESCO. (2019). Teaching and learning transformative engagement. UNESCO. (2020). Education for sustainable development – a roadmap. UNESCO. (2017). Education for stustainable development: Partners in action. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). (2009). Review of contexts and structures for education for sustainable development, 2009. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). (2013). Proposal for a Global Action Programme on Education For Sustainable Development as follow-up to the United Nations Decade of Education For Sustainable Development (DESD) after 2014. Wintersteinar, Werner o.fl.. (2015). Global Citizenship Education – Politische Bildung für die Weltgesellschaft.