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Unglingar víðs vegar í heiminum 8 Read and listen to part 3 about the daily life of Fred, a Uganda boy. Fred Fred is a 14-year-old boy from Uganda in East Africa. When he was 6 years old his father died of AIDS. A year before that his mother had died of the same disease. At the age of six Fred was an orphan and had to take care of himself and his 3-year-old brother, Sid. His relatives on his father’s side chased both boys out of his home in the village and shared all that the boys owned among themselves. They blamed Fred’s mother for his father’s death. A neighbour helped them make a rough shelter on his coffee farm and gave them some food. They stayed there for two years. Needing money for food and school, Fred set about looking for work. He fetched water for the men working on a building site and earned the equivalent of 20 US cents a day. This was not enough money to send Sid to school. Fortunately for Fred and Sid, a Christian aid organization discovered the boys. The organisation gave the boys food, clothes and money for school. They now live in a proper house with a garden and four goats. They grow bananas, sweet potatoes and beans. They both attend school and want to become doctors. 1 06425 12 Fred Fred er fjórtán ára Hann er frá Úganda í Austur-Afríku Pabbi hans dó úr AIDS þegar Fred var sex ára Ári áður hafði mamma hans dáið úr sama sjúkdómi Sex ára gamall var Fred munaðarlaus og þurfti að sjá um sig og Sid bróður sinn Sid var þá þriggja ára Ættingjar pabba þeirra ráku bræðurna burt frá heimili sínu í þorpinu og tóku allt sem þeir áttu Þeir sögðu að það væri mömmu strákanna að kenna að pabbi þeirra dó Hjálpsamur nágranni bjó til skýli handa þeim á kaffiekrunni sinni og gaf þeim mat Þar voru bræðurnir í tvö ár Fred þurfti að leita að vinnu til þess að borga fyrir skóla og mat Hann náði í vatn fyrir menn í byggingarvinnu og vann sér inn nokkrar krónur á dag Þetta var ekki nóg til þess að senda Sid í skóla Sem betur fer fann kristin hjálparstofnun drengina Hjálparstofnunin gaf þeim mat, föt og peninga fyrir skóla Fred og Sid búa nú í litlu húsi með garði og fjórum geitum Þeir rækta banana, sætar kartöflur og baunir Þeir eru báðir í skóla og langar til þess að verða læknar