Ég, þú og við öll - Kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ég, þú og við öll – Kennsluleiðbeiningar – © 8946 Námsgagnastofnun 2014 28 Kohn, M. (2012). “Colonialism”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2012/entries/colonialism/ >. Mahatma Gandhi. (2013). The Biography Channel website . Sótt 12. mars 2013 frá: http://www. biography.com/people/mahatma-gandhi-9305898 . Medicine Wheel Healing Community. (9. apríl 2013). Medicine Wheel Healing Community . Sótt 20. september 2013 frá: http://www.medicinewhl.org/default.htm Pine Ridge Community Storytelling Project . (2012). Sótt 20. september frá National Geographic: http:// ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/08/pine-ridge/community-project Republic of Lakotah. (2014). Genocide . Sótt 20. september frá Republic of Lakotah: http://www.repu- blicoflakotah.com/genocide/ Rosenberg, J. (e.d.). Gandhi – Biography of Mahatma Gandhi . Sótt 12. mars 2013 frá About.com 20th Century History: http://history1900s.about.com/od/people/a/gandhi.htm