Yes we can 6 - Kennsluleiðbeiningar

Hlustunartextar með kveikjumynd Section 1 Read the question for section one. Now listen and choose the right answer. • In my free time I watch YouTube. I also go hiking with my sister. The best thing is playing video games. • My hobby is singing. I go to singing practice on Mondays and Thursdays, and I always sing in the shower! I want to be a famous pop singer when I grow up. Section 2 Read the question for section two. Now listen and choose the right answer. • It must be wonderful to be rich. Some very rich children have miniature versions of cars specially built for them. I would love a red Porsche in just my size. Section 3 Read the question for section three. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Do you get pocket money? I get £4 a week if I do my chores. What are your chores? I have to tidy my room every day. • I have to walk my dog every Tuesday to get my pocket money. I get £5 every Saturday and I spend it on sweets. What do you spend your pocket money on? Section 4 Read the question for section four. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Video games are popular. There are many different types of games. Some children play a little, and other children play a lot. How often do you play? • It’s been proven that playing games can actually make you smarter. Not bad, right? Nemendabók bls. 56 Free Time Makes People Happy FIRST! What do you do when you come home from school? Spyrjið bekkinn og látið hvert og eitt segja frá því hvað þau gera eftir skóla. Rifjið upp, ef við á, hinar ýmsu tegundir íþróttaiðkunar. Lítið yfir textann Free Time Makes People Happy, og ræðið titilinn. Hvaða skoðanir hafa nemendur á fullyrðingunni? Þykir nemendum þeir hafa nægan frítíma? Lesið fyrirsagnirnar Tweens need time to think and daydream og Tweens need to relax. Hér má skjóta inn umræðu um hugtakið Tweens. (A tween is a child between the ages of 9 and 12. A tween is no longer a little child, but not quite a teenager. They are in between the two age groups). Eigum við orð yfir tween á íslensku? Hvetjið nemendur til að koma með tillögur að íslensku orði yfir þetta hugtak. Einhverjir nemendur eiga eflaust auðvelt með að skima textann meðan aðrir þurfa á orðskýringum að halda áður. Hlustið og fylgist með í bókinni. Notið glósuorðin jafnóðum og fylgið textanum eftir með spurningum á borð við: • Which activities do we hear about in the text? • What’s on the top 3 list? • Which of the activities do you like? • Do you sometimes relax and enjoy some downtime? Did you know? Nemendur lesa textann Did you know? Í pörum. Því næst endursegja þeir textann með því að styðjast við lykilorðin: bored, creative, solve problems, parents, new studies, stay busy. Sumir nemendur gætu þurft að sjá lykilorðin í samhengi og ljúka hálfgerðum setningum t.d. • It’s good to be bored because … • Some parents think that they … • Studies show that children benefit from … Nemendur vinna með verkefni 2-3 í verkefnabók og lesa því næst ljóðið I Don't Know What to Do Today. Verkefnabók bls. 57 2 Read and answer Lestu og skrifaðu svörin. 3 My spare time Hvað gerir þú eftir skóla? Fylltu út í dagatalið. 4 Time Off 47