Yes we can 5 - Kennsluleiðbeiningar

Nemendabók bls. 16-17 Kveikjumyndin Byrjaðu alltaf á því að vinna með kveikjumyndina og notaðu hana til að koma af stað samtali á ensku. • Tell me, what can you see in this picture? • What are the children doing? • What do you think this chapter is about? Nemendur þekkja mörg áhersluorðanna og geta gefið dæmi um hvernig hægt er að nota þau. • Where do we often meet a dragon or a toad? • Who lives in a castle? • Find the witch. What can you tell about her? Ný orð og setningagerðir Hlustið á æfingaorðin og láttu nemendur vinna með þau. Þeir geta endurtekið orðin eða notað þau í setningar sem þeir búa sjálfir til: • Witch. The witch has a cat. • Wizard. The wizard has a hat and a wand. Notið setningagerðirnar og nemendur svara á sinn hátt: • How do you get to the castle if you’re a witch? Yes, that’s right. You fly! • To do a magic trick, you need a wand. Tell me where you can find a wand. There is … • How many stars are there on the boy’s costume? There are … Hlustið og skoðið kveikjumyndina Skoðið kveikjumyndina saman og spilið hlustunartextana. Nemendur benda á persónur og athafnir og búa til setningar ummyndina þegar búið er að hlusta á alla texta. Hlustunartextar fyrir kveikjumyndina 1. Look, I can see the castle now. We are almost there, Evie! But what is that sound? It sounds like a big bird flying. It’s a witch! I’m scared. Can you see the witch? Write 1. 2. There are many rooms in the castle. The princess’s room has a big window. Can you spot the princess looking out of her window? Write 2. 3. Listen, I can hear a sound. It is “Boo!” Where does the sound come from? Who is making that sound? Maybe it is a ghost? Please help me. Where is it? Write 3. 4. What’s that little green thing? It looks like a toad. It’s jumping. Can you put your finger on the toad? Write 4. 5. I wonder what kind of food the wizard is making. He is in his castle, in his kitchen. There is a witch in there, too. She is helping the wizard. Can you see the wizard and the witch? Write 5. 6. Oh, look over there! A big ­ animal with fire coming out of its mouth! Look, it has very big ­ teeth, too. And it has wings. Is it a bird? A very big bird? No! Oh, help! It’s a dragon! Do you see it? Write 6. 2 Wizards and witches 25