She was born Monday 23rd September 1940. She was born 23rd September. She was born September. She was born 1940. She was born the forties. She is 64 and is her sixties. She is 13 and is her teens. She started school the autumn of 1944. autumn we go back to school. the winter of 1946, she was taken ill. We go skiing winter. She gets up 6 o'clock. She gets up dawn. She gets up early the morning. She does the day shift i.e. she works in the morning and the afternoon. Her husband works night. He has a part-time job the weekend and then he works the evening. My birthday is Monday. Do you have any time to visit me my birthday? I don’t like to go away Christmas. We visit my grandmother Christmas Eve. In England we open our presents Christmas Day. Easter and at Whitsun many people go away on holiday. Children look for eggs that have been hidden in the garden Easter Sunday. There are parades in Iceland the first day of summer. Children wear fancy dress costumes Ash Wednesday. the past he was a common labourer but present he runs his own construction company. I wonder what he will do the future the 21st century.