Christmas is one of athe(leave blank) most celebrated holidays for athe(leave blank) people around athe(leave blank) world. It is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike. AThe(leave blank) length of athe(leave blank) celebrations, athe(leave blank) traditions, athe(leave blank) decorations, athe(leave blank) food eaten vary from country to country, but athe(leave blank) spirit behind Christmas is athe(leave blank) same athe(leave blank) world over, athe(leave blank) love and athe(leave blank) friendship with everyone. AThe(leave blanki) Christmas in China With athe(leave blank) exceptions of Macau, athe(leave blank) former Portuguese colony, and Hong Kong, athe(leave blank) former British colony athe(leave blank) 25th of December is not athe(leave blank) national holiday. However in athe(leave blank) major cities of China athe(leave blank) people celebrate Christmas by lighting their houses with a(leave blank)the beautiful lanterns, and decorating athe(leave blank) Christmas trees called "Trees of Light" with paper chains, paper flowers and paper lanterns.If you had walked around athe(leave blank) major Chinese city 20 years ago, you probably wouldn't have seen any signs of Christmas. This is because Christmas is athe(leave blank) Christian holiday and only 1% of athe(leave blank) population (10 million people) is Christian. However, if you visit those same Chinese cities today, you will see signs of Christmas everywhere you look.AThe(leave blank) main winter festival in China is athe(leave blank) Chinese New Year which takes place towards athe(leave blank) end of January. It is athe(leave blank) time when children receive new clothes and toys during athe(leave blank) celebrations.