Yes we can 7 - kennsluleiðbeiningar

Yfirlit yfir efni til útprentunar og spil fyrir samvinnunám Kafli Ljósrit Spil fyrir samvinnunám 1 A World Language 1 Find someone who© WB bls. 7 2 Scavenger hunt WB bls. 11 Magic words klb. bls. 18-19 Leiðsagnarmat: Do you remember? WB bls. 17 Mix-N-Match© WB bls. 15 2 Get the Ball Rolling 3 Find someone who© WB bls. 23 4 Who scores the first goal WB bls. 27 5 Memory WB bls. 35 Magic words klb. bls. 40-41 Leiðsagnarmat: Do you remember? WB bls. 35 Mix-N-Match© WB bls. 29 3 Break the Journey 6 Find someone who© WB bls. 41 7 Vocabulary battleship WB bls. 43 8 Would you rather? WB bls. 49 9 A boardgame WB bls. 51 Magic words klb. bls. 58-59 Leiðsagnarmat: Do you remember? WB bls. 51 Mix-N-Match© WB bls. 45 4 Our Planet 10 Find the missing information WB bls. 67 Magic words klb. bls. 76-77 Leiðsagnarmat: Do you remember? WB bls. 6 Mix-N-Match© WB bls. 60 Quiz-Quiz-Trade© WB bls. 65 5 A Nose for Crime 11 Find someone who© WB bls. 73 12 How good a witness would you be? WB bls. 77 Magic words klb. bls. 94-95 Leiðsagnarmat: Do you remember? WB bls. 85 Mix-N-Match© WB bls. 85 Yfirlit yfir efni til útprentunar og spil fyrir samvinnunám 63