Hlustunartextar með kveikjumynd Section 1 Read the question for section one. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Some people believe in aliens. They think aliens visit Earth in UFOs. I don’t believe in UFOs. Do you? • My little sister is afraid of monsters. She thinks there are big, hairy and furry monsters under her bed. I am not sure about that. Are you afraid of monsters? Section 2 Read the question for section two. Now listen and choose the right answer. • When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut. I want to travel in a spaceship. I can’t imagine what Earth looks like from space. Do you want to travel to the moon? Section 3 Read the question for section three. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Many people say they have seen the Loch Ness monster, but the truth is that nobody has been able to prove it. • Sometimes strange things happen and nobody can explain why. I don’t believe in ghosts and monsters, but I believe there is more than meets the eye. Do you believe in things you can’t see? Section 4 Read the question for section four. Now listen and choose the right answer. • Nature can be mysterious, and people like to travel to see these places with their own eyes. Lake Hillier in Australia is an example and so is the Eternal Flame Falls in the United States. Opgaver 2-4 fungerer som forforståelsesopgaver til kapitlets læsetekster. Lad eventuelt eleverne hjælpe hinanden undervejs, hvis der er ord, de har svært ved at placere i den rigtige kontekst. Let’s play 38 3 Our Mysterious World Verkefnabók bls. 40 1 Listen and answer Hlustaðu og merktu við rétt svar. 2 Read and match Lestu og gerðu strik frá setningu að orði sem passar við. 3 Think and write Veldu nokkur orð úr verkefni 2 og skrifaðu það sem kemur upp í hugann í tengslum við orðið. 4 Underline the right word Gerðu strik undir rétt orð. Let’s play – Active answers Þátttakendur: Allur bekkurinn Efni: Tafla • Kennari les orðskýringu (notaðu orðskýringarnar á bls. 41 í Workbook, verkefni 2). • Ef nemandi þekkir orðið á hann að gefa það til kynna með einhverri hreyfingu. T.d. setjast upp á borð, snúa sér í hring eða hoppa. • Til að auðvelda verkefnið má skrifa öll orðin upp á töflu áður en leikurinn hefst.