Yes we can 5 - Kennsluleiðbeiningar

A Read, think and write Skoðaðu kortið af West End Shopping Centre. Lýstu því hvernig maður kemst á milli staða. Drill Vinnið með verkefnin á vefsvæðinu. Nemendabók bls. 28-29 Kveikjumyndin Byrjaðu alltaf á því að vinna með kveikjumyndina og notaðu hana til að koma af stað samtali á ensku. • Tell me, what can you see in this picture? • Have you ever been to London? • Do you know the name of the buildings? • Look at the cars. What’s special about them? Nemendur þekkja mörg áhersluorðanna og geta gefið dæmi um hvernig hægt er að nota þau. • What’s your favourite shop? • Do you ever go to chuch? • Have you ever travelled by plane? • Do you know the difference between a town and a city? Ný orð og setningagerðir Hlustið á æfingaorðin og láttu nemendur vinna með þau. Þeir geta endurtekið orðin eða notað þau í setningar sem þeir búa sjálfir til: • Town. I live in a small town. • Theatre. I like going to the theatre. Notið setningagerðirnar og nemendur svara á sinn hátt: • What would you order at the Tea Shop? • How can you visit London? • Look at the picture, and name five things with different colours. Let me start: a grey dove. Hlustið og skoðið kveikjumyndina Skoðið kveikjumyndina saman og spilið hlustunartextana. Nemendur benda á persónur og athafnir og búa til setningar ummyndina þegar búið er að hlusta á alla textana. Drill Hlustunartextar fyrir kveikjumyndina 1. Look, I can see a plane up in the sky. I can hear it, too. You can see all the streets and all the houses. You can see cars and buses. Can you spot the plane? Write 1. 2. There are many streets in this town, and there are many shops. There is a little dog sitting in front of a shop. They sell dog food in that shop. It is a pet shop. Can you put your finger on the dog? Write 2. 3. Amelia loves riding her bike. Right now, she is riding her cousin’s bike in London. She is cycling past a big church. She is wearing a helmet and her yellow T-shirt. Can you see her? Write 3. 4. There is a lot of traffic in London – cars and buses. For most people, it is best to walk or take the underground. But sometimes, it is a good idea to take a taxi. Most London taxis are black. Write 4. 5. There are many tourists in London. They walk all over the city and get tired and hungry. They like to sit in cafés to have lunch and rest their feet. Can you see the open-air café next to the park? Write 5. 6. The big river in London is called the River Thames. Look at the bridges over the river. People can walk over the bridges, and cars and buses can drive on them. Tower Bridge can even open. Write 6. 3 A trip to London 31