Yes we can 4 - kennsluleiðbeiningar

Markmið Nemendur geta … • Lesið lengri texta um matarvenjur • Grennslast fyrir um og sagt frá því hvað aðrir í bekknum borða og drekka 14 Read more FIRST! Look at the title and the pictures.What do you think the texts are about? My breakfast SOPHIA: I had bacon and eggs for breakfast. EMMA: I had cereal. NOAH: I had cereal, too. MASON: I had a ham and cheese sandwich. EMMA: Lucky you! I love ham and cheese. NOAH: What time is it? SOPHIA: Oh no! It is half past eight. MASON: Let’s run! Hurry up! My breakfast SOPHIA: Hello, Emma! EMMA: Hi, Sophia. How are you? SOPHIA: I am fine. I had my favourite breakfast this morning. Bacon and eggs! EMMA: Lucky you! I had cereal. Look, Mason and Noah are over there. Hi, Mason and Noah! MASON: Hi, Emma and Sophia! What are you talking about? SOPHIA: We are talking about breakfast. What did you have? NOAH: I had cereal. EMMA: Me too! MASON: I had a ham and cheese sandwich. That is my favourite. NOAH: I have a cheese sandwich in my lunch box. EMMA: I have a salad for lunch. What time is it? SOPHIA: Oh no! It is half past eight. We are late for school! MASON: Let’s run! Hurry up! 15 Read and match Emma had a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast. Noah had bacon and eggs for breakfast. Sophia had cereal for breakfast. Mason had cereal for breakfast, too. 16 Ask and write • My name is . I eat . I drink . • This is my friend . She eats . She drinks . Let’s say What do you eat? • This is my friend . He eats . He drinks . SOPHIA: I had a salad for lunch. NOAH: I have my favourite breakfast this morning. EMMA: I have a cheese sandwich in my lunch box. 2.4 15 Lestu textann í verkefni 14 aftur. Tengdu saman setningahluta. 16 Skrifaðu nafnið þitt og hvað þú borðar og drekkur í morgunmat. Spurðu 2 bekkjarfélaga hvað þeir borða og drekka. Segið frá í bekknum. 14 Hlutverkaleikur. Áður en þú lest: Skoðaðu fyrirsögnina og myndirnar. Giskaðu á hvað textinn fjallar um. Strikaðu undir: What time is it? Hlustaðu á textann. Veljið þyngdarstig og lesið saman fjögur í hóp. 28 / twenty-eight twenty-nine / 29 14 Read more FIRST! Láttu nemendur skoða fyrst titil kaflans og teikningarnar af börnunum fjórum á næstu blaðsíðu. Spurðu því næst: • Let’s look at the pictures together. What do you think this text is about? • What are the children talking about? Food, is it? Excellent! • What kind of food do you see? Yes, a sandwich, cereal, eggs and bacon and a salad. Ræðið þær aðferðir sem nota má til þess að finna út hvað textinn fjallar um. Í textanum eru nokkrar matvörur nefndar sem nemendur hafa áður unnið með. Láttu nemendur finna þær. • What kind of food can you find in the text? Yes, bacon. Good. Anything else? Setningin What time is it? kemur fyrir í báðum textunum. Segðu hana upphátt og biddu nemendur um að strika undir hana í textanum Then: Hlustið á fyrri textann nokkrum sinnum. Hvað fjallar hann um? • What are the children talking about? Yes, they are talking about breakfast. What did they have for breakfast? Hlustið því næst á seinni textann. Hvað fjallar hann um? Fáum við að vita eitthvað meira? • How many girls are talking? What are their names? What do they have for lunch? Why are they running? Láttu nemendur segja frá sjálfum sér og nesti sínum. • What do you have in your lunch box, Sally? A chicken sandwich. How many have a chicken sandwich in their lunch box? • Milo eats a salad for lunch. What’s in your salad, Milo? Tomatoes, cucumber, pasta and chicken. Mmmm, yummy! Þegar nemendur hafa heyrt báða textana geta þau valið hvorn þau vilja lesa. Öll lesa nú hvert fyrir sig áður en deilt er út hlutverkum og lesið saman 4 í hóp. Láttu þau svo flytja leikþættina hvert fyrir annað. 38 2 My day