Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – klb – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2018 – Verkefni með Oliver Twist 22 Eftir að hafa lesið alla söguna: Questions 1. Who wrote the story about Oliver Twist? 2. Where was Oliver Twist born? 3. Who was Dodger? 4. Describe Fagin. 5. Describe Mr. Brownlow. 6. Why did Fagin want Oliver back when Artful Dodger lost him? 7. Describe Bill Sikes. 8. How did the robbery end? 9. What happened on the London Bridge? 10. Who was Agnes? 11. How did Oliver’s life turn out? Writing assignments 1. Write about Fagin and his gang in London. 2. Write about Oliver Twist and Mr. Brownlow and their relationship. 3. Write a letter to the government to complain about the workhouse and Mr. Mann and Mr. Bumble. 4. Choose a character from the story to write about.