Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – klb – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2018 – Verkefni með Oliver Twist 4 Kafli 1 Tillögur að verkefnum a. Draw a picture from this text: By the age of seven Oliver was working hard like the other boys in the workhouse. They were all very dirty and tired, and especially hungry. One day they made the decision that one of them would have to ask for more food. No one had ever dared to do that, so they drew straws to see who should ask Mr. Bumble. All the boys were happy when Oliver drew the shortest straw. b. Teiknimyndasaga um Oliver að biðja um meiri graut. Spurningar 1. What is a workhouse? 2. Who was Mrs. Mann? 3. Who was Mr. Bumble? 4. How did Mr. Bumble choose a name for the orphans? 5. What did Mrs. Mann do in the end? 6. Why did the boys draw straws? 7. What was it that Oliver had to do? 8. How did that go? 9. Where was Oliver sent? 10. How was he treated at the new place? 11. What did Oliver decide to do in the end? Ritun Choose a character to write about (Agnes, Oliver Twist, Mrs. Mann, Mr. Bumble). How is Oliver´s life likely to turn out? What does it mean to be an orphan? What does that mean for the future of that child? What kind of a life did the boys have in the workhouse? Write about how Oliver´s life changed after he asked for more food. Why did Oliver run away? Write about Noah.