Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – klb – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2018 – Verkefni með Oliver Twist 3 Charles Dickens Tillögur að verkefnum • Finndu frekari upplýsingar um höfundinn Charles Dickens. • Hvaða aðrar sögur skrifaði hann? Spurningar 1. When was Charles Dickens born? 2. Where did he live? 3. Why was his father in prison? 4. What did Charles have to do at the age of 12? 5. How do you think Charles Dickens’ life affected the stories he wrote? Ritun Write about how you think it affected Charles Dickens that his father and all his family was sent to prison. Orðaforði Siblings: systkini Debt: skuld Experience: upplifun Inspiration: hvatningin Published: gefin út Umræður How do you think Charles Dickens felt at the age of 12? Do you think this could happen today? What lessons can we learn from the way Charles Dickens came from being a very poor young man to becoming a very successful writer? Judging by his books, he never forgot how it was to be poor. Do you think readers can learn from his books? What can we learn from them?