Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 13 Jobs for kids – hlustun Nemendabók bls. 74 Nemendur hlusta á upplestur á samskiptum á Netinu og vinna í kjölfarið verkefni þar sem tengja á orð og setningar sem passa saman. Jobs for kids I’m ten years old and I was wondering, what kind of jobs a ten year old can have? Not jobs around the house; I mean jobs that pay at least $10 a week – I’m saving up my money. From Mary Hi there, Mary Good for you wanting to start earning some money so you can save up! The good news is, you have the right attitude to start working (remember, work means responsibility and following through on your promises, so having a positive attitude is a must). The bad news is, there are laws that prevent kids from starting to work in “real” jobs (like at a store or in a factory) at too young age. I’m afraid that ten may be a little too young to get hired at a “real” workplace – but that doesn’t mean you need to forget about earning money until you’re older! I know you said you don’t want to do “jobs around the house,” but there are plenty of things you can do to earn at least $10 a week (if not more!) outside of your home and around your very own neighborhood! Check out these ideas – maybe you’ll like one of them, or maybe they will inspire you to think up a cool job you can do on your own! Yard work If you’re old enough to use a mower to mow lawns, then that’s a great way to earn money around your neighborhood – and maybe even in your very own front (or back) yard! Ask your parents for permission to use the lawnmower first. Then, you can either make up signs and post them around your neighborhood, or knock on your neighbor’s doors (especially the ones whose lawns look too long or untidy) and ask if you can mow the lawn for a fee. Dog walker If you don’t like the idea of waiting for the weather to be just right in order to be able to earn some money, try dog walking. Dogs need to be walked all year round, no matter the weather or the time of year. This job is actually quite a big responsibility, so make sure you can handle it before you start offering your services to your family, friends and neighbors.