Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 12 Jobs What are the jobs? – hlustun Nemendabók bls. 68 Þetta er hlustunaræfing þar sem nemendur hlusta á starfslýsingar sambærilegar og í lestextanum á undan. Nemendur hlusta á starfslýsingu og skrifa í vinnubók hvaða starf er um að ræða. Störfin sem um ræðir eru talin upp. Gott getur verið að fara í gegnum hvað orðin þýða með nemendum fyrir hlustunina. What are the jobs? I love the smell at my workplace. I have to put on special clothes and a special hat. I work with my hands a lot. I use a lot of flour, butter, oil, sugar, cocoa and more. I mix those together. I have to use an oven. What is my job? Svar: Baker There are lots of books where I work, I help people to find the right book and I have to use the computer too. I meet a lot of people every day. What is my job? Svar: Librarian I work with wood every day. I make furniture. I use a saw, nails, hammer and other tools. What is my job? Svar: Carpenter When I work my hands get really dirty. I work with cars. If your car has broken down, I can help. What is my job? Svar: Mechanic I have cows and sheep. I take good care of my animals and I sell the milk and the meat. What is my job? Svar: Farmer I meet a lot of people every day, I dress in a uniform and I go all over town. I drive people around and people pay when they enter. What is my job? Svar: Bus driver If your toilet is broken or your shower isn’t working you might need to call me to fix it. What is my job? Svar: Plumber I want to help others. When you are sick, I try to help you. I work in a hospital. What is my job? Svar: Doctor I can choose when I work. I am very creative. I need my computer to work. I write poems and novels. What is my job? Svar: Author I stand all day where I work and I have to be very quick and organized or else the customers will be annoyed. The customers make orders and I cook what they order. What is my job? Svar: Chef