Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 10 A Visit to the Space Museum – hlustun Nemendabók bls. 56. Nemendur hlusta á samtalið og svara svo spurningum í stílabók, á ensku. Museum guide: Hi kids and welcome to this new and spectacular space museum. We haven’t found the right name for it yet and therefore we will have a competition. The person who comes up with the best name will have their name here on the wall and also win a family ticket to the museum. Before you leave you can write your idea on a piece of paper and put it in this box here. But let’s start our journey here in this museum. I want to start by showing you this picture. Here we see two great men on a great day, July 20th, 1969. Kid 1: What was so great about this day? Museum guide: I’ll tell you all about it. This day was very special and everybody who had the chance to watch TV and watch this probably did. Kid 2: Can you get to the point? Museum guide: Please be polite, kids. Well this day was special because the first man stepped on the moon. The spacecraft Apollo 11 landed on the moon and Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. His famous words were „That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Do you kids understand what he meant by these words? Kid 3: Yes I do, he means that this step was just a small footstep but the act of stepping on the moon means so much more for the human kind. Museum guide: Yes, thank you. I couldn’t have said this better myself. Kid 1: Were there other people with him on this journey? Museum guide: Yes there were. There were three of them. Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to walk on the moon, and then there was Buzz Aldrin who also walked on the moon. The third person was Michael Collins, he never left the spacecraft. Well, now you can walk around the museum and don’t forget to come up with a name for this spectacular museum.