Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 8 Space Aliens on Earth? – hlustun Nemendabók bls. 51 Nemendur hlusta á samtal Dylans og Brendu og svara spurningunum í stílabók, á íslensku. Gott er að hlusta nokkrum sinnum á samtalið svo að sem flestir nái innihaldi þess. Brenda: Do you think there is life on other planets? Dylan: Well I don‘t know but it is hard to believe that we are alone in the universe. What do you think? Brenda: I agree that it is likely that we are not alone but the idea about aliens is still weird. Dylan: What do you think these aliens look like? Brenda: Hmmm, I think if they are out there they are green, with many eyes and many hands. They have two fingers and maybe five legs. That‘s how I would imagine an alien, it is a nice alien not a dangerous one. Dylan: Really? I imagine an alien being white and having long two feet and long arms, maybe even four arms. It would have one really big eye and make sounds but not talk. I also think there is a computer in its stomach that makes the sounds. Brenda: Cool. Do you think aliens have ever been to Earth? Dylan: That‘s hard to say. I don‘t know but I hope not, because in the movies aliens often come to earth and they are very mean. Sometimes they want to take over the world! What about you? What do you think? You are the space expert! Brenda: I agree, it is hard to say, and most likely they have not come to earth. Still, I don‘t think it would be like in the movies if they came. I think they would just come to check out our planet. I also believe that real aliens might look more like an animal, a spider or something. Dylan: Noooooo, that sounds terrible. I am so afraid of spiders with their long legs and they move so fast … alien-spiders just sound bad! Brenda: Well, I think we should just think about ourselves and not worry about aliens at this point. Dylan: True, I guess we could start by finishing our homework. Brenda: Yes and get something to eat … I am so hungry. Dylan: You are always hungry.