Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 6 Summer Vacation – verkefnablað Listen to Adam talk and answer true or false Adam is going abroad to work. Adam thinks he is going to have a bad summer. Adam is going to visit the UK. Adam will take a break from his piano lessons. Listen to Wanda talk and answer true or false Wanda is going to visit some friends in Finland. Wanda has visited the Scandinavian countries many times. Wanda is just going to play computer games after her trip to Finland. Wanda’s friends and family are going to go to Finland with her. Listen to Christina talk and answer true or false Christina is mostly looking forward to the heat in Florida. Christina isn’t going to go to Disney World. Christina hasn’t thought about what she wants to do. Christina is going to relax after the Florida trip. Listen to Jonathan talk and answer true or false Jonathan isn’t going to leave the country. Jonathan has hidden talents and is joining the circus. Jonathan will be training a lot. Jonathan is doing some charity work with his friends this summer.