Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 5 Summer Vacation – hlustun Nemendabók bls. 42 Nemendur hlýða á einn tala í einu og svara T (true) eða F (false) eftir því sem við á, á verkefnablað hér að neðan. Adam I am staying home for the summer because I have to work. That doesn’t mean I am going to have a bad summer. Actually, I have some things planned. First of all I love camping so I am going at least twice and then I am having guests from the UK coming to visit. I will be taking the guests sightseeing and to try some good restaurants. As always I will visit the swimming pools almost daily and continue my piano lessons and practise at home. Wanda This summer I am going abroad. I have an aunt in Finland that I am going to stay with for three weeks. She is going to take me over to Sweden and even Norway. I am super excited about this trip because I have never been to any of the Scandinavian countries before. My plan is to take a lot of pictures to be able to show my friends at home. After the trip I think I will enjoy the vacation by spending time with my friends and family and even try to see some of the nature if the weather will be nice. If the weather is bad I always have computer games. Christina I am so excited about this summer because I am going on my first trip to Florida with my family. There I will enjoy the weather and the heat every day but mostly I am looking forward to some shopping. There are lots of new stores there that I have never seen before and I have been saving money so I can do some real shopping. Still shopping is only a small part of what I am going to do because I have written down things that I want to try. First of all, scuba diving lessons. I think this is the most wonderful thing and I really want to try it. Next on my list is Disney World. All those amazing parks with all the characters that I have known since I was just a kid. Can’t wait to spend a day or two there. Lastly it is relaxing and enjoying having no homework. After I come home I don’t have any plans – maybe I have to rest after the trip. Jonathan I have lots of things planned for the summer even though I am not going to leave the country. There is a circus coming to my town that I am going to check out. It even has a summer course for kids. I am going to take the course and see if I have some hidden talents. My friends and I also have plans. First of all we are going to bike around the country for charity. That means that we are going to bike and people are going to pay money and support a good cause. I can’t wait for this trip but before we leave we have to train hard to be able to make it. Our training will be biking a lot, swimming and even hiking. This is going to take a few days so after this I guess I will just rest or even sleep for days but it is for a good cause.