Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 4 Fun and Entertainment Party planning – hlustunaræfing Nemendabók bls. 31 Nemendur lesa innganginn, hlusta á samtalið og svara spurningum í stílabók, á íslensku. Diane: Hi George, how are you? George: Hi Diana, I am fine. I have been quite busy planning my birthday party. D: That sounds like fun. When is the party? G: Next Saturday, can you come? D: Of course. Have you decided on a theme or what kind of a party it is going to be? G: Aaaa, theme? I guess the theme is birthday? D: No, silly. The theme could be pirates or something and everyone could wear costumes. Or you could have a slumber party, that‘s a sleepover, and everyone will spend the night at your place. G: Uuu, I don‘t know what my mum would say about a sleepover but costumes could be fun. D: Perfect, costumes it is, and then you could have a prize for the best costume. G: That is a good idea. I am going to talk to my parents about this. D: I have the perfect costume for me. I just got it last Christmas. G: Great, what is it? D: It is going to be a surprise but I can tell you that it is a superhero. G: Nice, I don‘t know what I would be but maybe I could make something. My dad is very good at making things so I might ask him. D: Good idea. Remember to write on the invitation card that everyone should wear costumes. G: Right – good idea. Thanks for your help, Diana, see you Saturday at my party. D: See you then. Party planning Svör við spurningum á bls. 31 í nemendabók: 1. Því hann á afmæli. 2. Að hafa þema eða láta gestina gista. 3. Hann er ekki viss um hvað mamma hans myndi segja. 4. Búningapartý. 5. Það er leyndarmál en einhver ofurhetja. 6. Að aðstoða sig við að búa til búning. 7. Að setja í boðskortið að það eigi að koma í búningum.