Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 3 The Zoo – hlustunaræfing Nemendabók bls. 17 Nemendur lesa innganginn, hlusta á samtalið og svara spurningunum í stílabók, á ensku. Zoey: I love the zoo and my favourite is always the lions, they are so beautiful but yet so scary. Phil: I know what you mean. Let’s start over there. Zoey: Wow, they really are great. I completely understand why they call them the king of the jungle. Phil: Those three don’t really look that dangerous though, sleeping under a tree. Zoey: No, they look just great. Ohhh, the polar bears are there. Let’s check them out. Phil: Wow, they are big, even bigger than I thought. What is that one holding? Zoey: Hmmm, I think it is a fish, looks like it is lunch time for them. Phil: I am actually getting hungry too, but I want to see the penguins first. Zoey: Right, and on our way over there we can see the giraffes and the elephants. Phil: Great. But check this out, do you know what is in this cage? Zoey: No, I can’t see anything. Phil: Look very closely, it is not big, but it scares me a lot. Zoey: What is it? Phil: Look, it is over there! Zoey: Uhhhjjj, a snake. They scare me too. Some are very dangerous. Phil: I know, but this one is in a cage so we don’t have to worry. But it says here that this one is poisoned. So yes, dangerous. Zoey: Scary!! This way to the penguins, they are not dangerous. Phil: No, but they are cute. Zoey: Yes, but first let’s look at the really big and heavy animals. Phil: Oh yes, giraffes and elephants, here we come. The zoo Svör við spurningum á bls. 17: 1. Because she thinks they are beautiful but also scary. 2. Three 3. A polar bear 4. Snake 5. It is poisonous 6. The penguins 7. Giraffes and elephants.