Ready for Action kennsluleiðbeiningar

Ready for Action – kennsluleiðbeiningar – 9057 – Menntamálastofnun 2016 – Hlustunaræfingar 2 Animals Sharks – hlustunaræfing Nemendabók bls. 13 Nemendur hlusta á textann og svara spurningunum í stílbók, á íslensku. Sharks are fish. That means that they don’t come to the surface to breathe like mammals who live in the sea do. They can breathe in the water. Sharks are very strong and they have most likely been on earth for more than 420 million years. That means they are older than dinosaurs! Sharks have very strong teeth but mostly they have many of them. Sharks can grow more than 30.000 teeth in their lifetime. Sharks can also live for very long and some species of sharks can live for more than 100 years but others live around 20 years. Sharks usually hunt alone but when they want to catch a larger prey they sometimes hunt in groups. When sharks sleep their eyes are open and only one side of their brain sleeps at a time. When sharks surface they are searching for food. Some species of sharks only have one young at a time. Others can have more than 100 at a time. Sharks do not take care of their young, they are on their own from the moment that they are born. Sharks Svör við spurningum á bls. 13 í nemendabók: 1. Í meira en 420 milljónir ára. 2. Fleiri en 30.000 tennur. 3. Yfir 100 ára. 4. Með opin augu og aðeins annar hluti heilans sefur í einu. 5. Þeir hugsa ekki um afkvæmi sín, þau sjá um sig sjálf frá fæðingu.