ADHD Handbók

54 Skýringar og tilvísanir 1 Sherman, Rasmussen og Baydala, 2008. 2 Sherman o.fl ., 2008. 3 Gísli Baldursson, Ólafur Ó. Guðmundsson og Páll Magnússon, 2000; Still, 1902. 4 Baldursson, Magnússon og Haraldsson, 2012. 5 Barkley, 2006. 6 Goldman, Genel, Bezman og Slanetz 1998; Kordon, Kahl og Wahl, 2006. 7 Brown, 2006. 8 Brown, 2009. 9 Shaw, Eckstrand, Sharp, Blumenthal, Lerch, Greenstein o.fl ., 2007. 10 Kordon, Kahl og Wahl, 2006; Brown, 2009. 11 Shaw o.fl ., 2007. 12 Brown, 2009. 13 Biederman, Monuteaux, Doyle, Seidman, Wi- lens, Ferrero o.fl ., 2004. 14 Barkley, 2006. 15 Barkley, 2006; Margrét Valdimarsdóttir, Agnes Huld Hrafnsdóttir, Páll Magnússon og Ólafur Ó. Guðmundsson, 2006. 16 Banerjee, Middleton og Faraone, 2007. 17 Baldursson o.fl ., 2012. 18 Barkley, 2006. 19 Baldursson o.fl ., 2012. 20 Brown, 2006. 21 Baldursson o.fl ., 2012. 22 Barkley, 2011; Brown, 2009; Cooper-Kahn og Dietzel, 2008. 23 National Resource Center on ADHD, 2009; Rief, 2008; Wolraich, Wibbelsman, Brown, Evans, Gotlieb, Knight o.fl ., 2005. 24 Tannock and Brown, 2000. 25 Newcorn and Halperin, 2000. 26 Brown and Modestino, 2000. 27 Tannock, 2000. 28 Spencer, Wilens, Biederman, Wozniak and Harding-Crawford, 2000. 29 Newcorn and Halperin, 2000. 30 Brown, 2000. 31 Gillberg and Kadesjö, 2000. 32 Comings, 2000. 33 National Resource Center on ADHD, 2009. 34 Rief 2006. 35 Baldursson o.fl ., 2012. 36 Barkley, 2006. 37 Kaiser og Pfiffner, 2011. 38 Barkley, 2006. 39 Baldursson o.fl ., 2012. 40 Rojas og Chan, 2005. 41 Rief, 2005. 42 Rief, 2006. 43 U.S. Department of Education, 2008. 44 Zeigler, Helbing, Weeks og Welch, 2006. 45 Zeigler o.fl ., 2006. 46 Mayes og Calhoun, 2000. 47 Zeigler o.fl ., 2006. 48 Quinn og Nadeau, 2002; Zeigler, 2006. 49 Zeigler o.fl ., 2006. 50 Barkley, 2006. 51 Zeigler o.fl ., 2006. 52 Levine, 2002. 53 Zeigler, 2006. 54 Zeigler, 2006. 55 McQuade og Hoza, 2008; Mikami, 2010. 56 Zeigler, 2006; McConaughy, Volpe, Antshel, Gordon og Eiraldi, 2011. 57 Barkley, 2006. 58 Zeigler, 2006. 59 Rief, 2008. 60 National Institute for Health and Clinical Ex- cellence, 2008. 61 Russel, Forbes, Forsyth, Maciver, Mulvanny og Whitehead, 2011. 62 Magnús F. Ólafsson, 2008, bls. 20. 63 Barkley, 2006. 64 Sheridan og Kratochwill, 2008. 65 Barkley, 2006. 66 Baldursson o.fl ., 2012. 67 Mokrova, O´Brien, Calkins og Keane, 2010.