A kills someone deliberately A forces someone to have sex. A takes things that do not belong to him. A copies banknotes, paintings etc. An deliberately sets fire to buildings. A takes things from shops without paying for them. A breaks into buildings in order to steal something. A steals things from someone’s pocket or bag. An murders a public figure like a king or president. A takes control of a plane, bus etc. by force. A assists the enemies of his or her country. A uses violence such as bombing to obtain political demands. A gets money for not revealing unpleasant facts about a person. An steals money that is in his or her care over a period of time. A takes people away by force and keeps them prisoner. A attacks people and robs them A deliberately lies while giving evidence in court. A deliberately damages public property for the fun of it. A buys and sells illegal drugs like heroin. A takes things or people in and out of a country illegally