Irregular verbs

In the following exercise fill in the blanks with the infinitive the past tense or the past participle.

Past form vowel change from "a" to "u"

swim swumsing sang began begun
run ran sank sunkdrink

past forms end in "ght". If there is an "a" in the infinitive there is an "a" in the past forms

fight fought brought broughtthink thought
buy taught taught catch

Past participle end in "n"

ride rode write written bite bit
be drove driven wake woken
break broke choose chose fall fallen
forget forgot forgive forgiven
give gave froze frozen shake shaken
take took eat eaten speak spoke
fly flew knew known throw thrown
blow blown steal stolen see
wear wore tear torn lie lain

No change in form

cost cut let
read hit put

Past participle vowel changes to "o"

do go come come
become became

Changes in past forms and the past and past participle are the same

have found found slid slid
told told sell sold won won
hang hung sit sat
stand stood said lay laid
lead fed fed fled fled
made paid held

Past forms end in "t"

lose lost shoot shot built built
kept meet slept
bent sweep sent
spent lend bend
leave get felt felt

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